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tv   For All The Gold In The World  Al Jazeera  August 20, 2018 11:00pm-12:00am +03

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the byline tells us who wrote the post around. eleven o'clock in london the top stories here on al-jazeera a group of young fighters launched a series of attacks on police in russia's chechnya region officers shot five of them dead and say they were between the ages of eleven and sixteen placement in the provincial capital of grozny opened fire on a car that tried to run over to offices police bases in two of the cities were also attacked i still says it was behind the assaults were challenges following the developments from moscow and has the latest. well there are two notable things about this series of attacks the first is that it took place at all despite its warsaw and history these days attacks like this are a pretty rare event in chechnya the second was notable thing is the youth of these
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attackers or thirty's in chechnya say the youngest was eleven years old and the oldest of them was almost seventeen teenagers kids basically now the attacks three of them happens over the course of a short span of time one of them was an attempted stabbing on police officers the second was an attempted suicide bombing which failed the attacker didn't kill himself nor anyone else and the third was a kind of hit and run in a car no police officers died in these attacks no civilians died in these attacks in the aftermath all but one of the attackers was killed by the security services so you could say that this was not particularly sophisticated in its execution and not particularly successful either the leader of chechnya rams i'm good dear of has said that they were. basically young people that had had their minds perverted by
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eisel and indeed in the aftermath of this attack or these this series of attacks i still through its media channels has claims responsibility. venezuela has cut five zero from its currency in a bid to tackle soaring inflation the president nicolas maduro is also implementing a three thousand percent hike can meet minimum wage and a rise in the price of fuel the international monetary fund has estimated that inflation in venezuela will hit one million percent by the end of the year it has made food and goods an affordable for many the u.n. says more than two point three million venezuelans fled to other countries ugandan police have been rounding up protesters in the capital kampala after using live gunfire to disperse demonstrations opposition supporters have been protesting against president yoweri museveni people angry at the arrest and alleged torture of
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several opposition politicians including the well known musician robert greene yani who goes by the stage name of the wind afghan forces have freed more than one hundred people who were kidnapped by the taliban they were on buses in the northern province of couldn't do this when they were stopped by armed fighters officials say some people are still being held hostage in that tribal elders trying to negotiate for their release. of thirties in the indian state of carola medicine and disinfectant to prevent the spread of disease in thousands of relief camps at least three hundred seventy three people have been killed and more than one million displaced in some of the worst monsoon floods in carolus history pope francis has condemned what he calls the atrocities of child sex abuse in the catholic church and the years of cover ups in an open letter to the world's one point two billion catholics he has them to help root out sex abuses in the church
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meanwhile the international research group has released a list of child sex abusers in ireland scotland church organization says it wants to pressure the pope to act ahead of his visit to ireland this week. hundreds of people separated by the korean war in the one nine hundred fifty to be reunited with their relatives some for the first time in more than sixty years the families went to embrace that their reunion in a north korean resort town the leaders of north and south korea agreed to restart the event during their historic summit in april all right you have to take the top stories stay with us here on our desire next up slavery routes for all the gold in the world africa.
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this is the story of a world whose territories and borders were drawn by the slave trade a world birth violent subjugation and profit imposed their roots. this criminal system shaped our history and founded the world's greatest empires as a people give but that one lives this love hate thing the fuss the multiset this is opiate is middle class in the fourteenth century europe opened up to the world and discovered there was located outside of the planet's most important mercantile exchange zone and i thought also being released by the. city i think its own want to this map the catalan atlas where did europeans appetite for conquest but not the winds and thus guided sailors as well as land based travellers did not politics and thus offered information on opposing armies and it mapped the economy tracing the trading routes towards africa and its resources fuelling the greed of european kingdoms and. a small kingdom was the first to rush to assault the african coast
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portugal. in its wake a new slavery route was wrong. advair began this was a portuguese project they were coming out of the crusades fight and does more to what maldives today's out so part of the adventure to africa. was to. bez achilles secure themselves and also maybe a secure advantage or against small groups. has been the largest city in portugal and the only european capital stablished on
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the atlantic coast. at the mouth of the tigris the discovery monument evokes nostalgia for a time when the portuguese felt at home everywhere. carved in stone some fifty seven yards above the river the heroes of portugal pioneers of the conquest dominate the ocean that gave them such prestige and well. they were headed by prince henry the navigator the architect of a perilous project to open up a new trade route through the atlantic ocean to bypass the muslims in the mediterranean and search for african gold. in the fourteenth century the portuguese succeeded in ousting the arabs from their territory the kingdom now had free reign to begin its conquest of the world. promising golden power henry the navigator convinced the nobility to follow him in this adventure. to get though say look last eighty.
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sit if you meet seek. to go prosecute. he going up will become a don't get down to could they vote would devalue their i let that. the like before they get. to brave the atlantic and ocean no european sailor had dared to explore prince henry had a revolutionary vessel. caravels hijacked sailing ships that were capable of battling storms in the open sea. fourteen thirty four. the portuguese established the first sea route off the coast of africa cabo. gallons of argan and keep verity each mile covered was a victory over the muslims who are present on the entire northern part of the continent. lisbon has long glorified its great explorers. forgetting that most of them built their fortunes on the slave trade.
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today lisbon is undergoing a facelift. after the discovery monument renovation work extended to all farmer district. as construction progresses the wealth of the first world city is resurfacing. workers actually dug up the foundations of the former commercial harbor. in one century has been became the richest capital in europe far beyond paris london or amsterdam. chinese bases indonesian earthenware mechanise glassware amid the broken china from all over the world. a woman skeleton. the
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first d.n.a. test revealed that this was an anonymous and buried african captive. the archaeology of slavery a recent field is exuding a long untold history. the history of the million africans who were deported to europe between the fifteenth and the seventeenth centuries. when they were the power doesn't he couldn't need a plate as you know it's kind of you don't need to get this on the on the of young it. was a loss then again only put us you'll see a little. bit than us would use in the. the pool it kept you on your feet it won't get till they'd said it was he told us in that young. don't know up fourteen forty four between morocco and mauritania prince
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henry's mercenaries kidnapped unarmed civilians. deported to portugal these first captives were unloaded in the first port on the way home the law goes. on this beach one morning in august fourteenth forty four nearly two hundred fifty men women and children who had been captured on the atlantic coast were sold to the highest bidder this sale was an event the first booty brought back to the country for the cockiest adores it sailed off to find gold but for lack of anything better they came back with slaves. all of portugal talked about the event to the point that youngest is iraq the chief chronicler of the realm travel there in person. the following day it was the eighth of august study moaning because they need. a cruise began to work that bodes unload
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a cup to use and take in the shows hold it. some at their faces down white with to is some go to the others and were brought in with grief somber note to high heaven fixing their locomotives shouting and i out up to it as if asking the father nature of file. others be their cheeks with their palms all threw themselves flat on the ground others made lemon taishan in a sound like manna after the custom of their own lands. and though the words of that language could not be understood by use their sorrow was understood indeed. the sorrow that increased when those in charge of dividing them came and started to split them one from another to make even groups. to do this it became necessary to take children from parents wives from husbands
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brothers from sisters. for king and king good no rule was kept each captive landed where luck would have it. was a sneaky saying that in the senate the next hunt venus the is awful. man this sin dukie the. it's a song or of what i want to citizen kane but as busking go punt of wa it all. up oh yes you've said this at the c.d.'s you'll get it will to get what i've had a mini a disservice. in the early fifteenth century trading human beings was common throughout the mediterranean and portugal but also in the south of france spain italy and sicily.
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most captives that circulated in the mediterranean came from the balkans through the ports of cyprus constantinople and aleppo. back then africans were a minority within the slave trade as caucasian still prevails. in lisbon these proportions would soon be inverted. the first african captives forced back to portugal will be followed by thousands more. on the street of the negroes well the names of a few alleys are the only reminders of when this neighborhood the biodome. the ghetto reserved for africans. to see they have the war in vietnam to crash specific amendment causes delusion the
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blue something frequent after the more it is more of. the ocean effect of events fall five or put their ear thank you ted with a but is almost was to be as rude to me and to. put the a cattle call display at the dog camille's the i don't know if we can match each day is to call fecal disease now the physic now through the cab was of the last pretty powerful message that i have just given us that if it's not the computer get us there for us there will of the adults and not the lydia get outta my boo fer who get pretty powerful to buy in a city daughter stephanie god is almighty i'm betting it is appy aska. even that i mean that the us on the. door the civil commitment to treat with
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a pure. this is left kiva at all because of his by. the song at the get a familiar look he's so considerate of the moma. but for me to saul he could get on the whole could be confused and done some of the funniest is clef on a clinic i'm one of the necessity on twinkie marriage i think i'll may have to exclude on if one is out there know what the. fourteen fifty three. the holy war between christian done and islam resulted in the muslims victory. constantinople the last remnant of the byzantine empire fell into the hands of the turks. an iron curtain now separated the christian mediterranean bank from the indies blocking the movement of slaves from the balkans. for christian europe and pursuing the conquest of the atlantic was now more necessary than ever. islam. christendom clash
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had reached their mate and the whole area where they'd been acquiring slabs for slaves. was now christianized to islamicize there was only one region to head for africa becomes associated with slavery as a result of these developments. officially islam in the catholic church condemned the enslavement of free men. but in practice the demand for slaves did not run dry and justified continued raids. when he was he did who were also me follow what you should get because he felt that he could if you could express all of it and get to the top salute the million with this knowledge is it that you can kill this bus and islam will for the kitchen to
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as like a lot of thought he could i get uppity keep that peer at least once in his football to yell course it all did the wad couldn't easy. to take revenge on the muslims pope nicholas the fifth gave the portuguese his moral endorsement. thanks to the vatican support they could continue reading africa with complete impunity. in the national archives in lisbon the roman is pontifex bull written by the pope give the portuguese carte blanche and established a legal framework for the enslavement of africa. we had formally by other letters of ours granted among other things free and apple faculty the aforesaid king of phones out to invade search and capture vanquished bull's eye resi ends and pagans was wherever and other enemies of christ wherever placed to reduce their persons to perpetual slavery. perpetual slavery
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to words decreed by the highest catholic forty two words that struck africans like a verdict two words that would justify everything in the name of god. from the very beginning as these military campaigns to africa were planned they tried to open a new privileges and recognition from the pope and this came very often in the form of the bullets there's a whole series of bullets that have granted legitimacy to claim this property over the territories that will be. discovered. these covered throughout the along the coast of africa. with the pope's blessing the portuguese ventured further and further south of the african coasts. aboard the caravels all of europe join portugal to take control of
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african gold and slaves. flemish german english gentlemen his invitation all european merchants invested in the atlantic adventure. sailing from la goes the nation l.v. is kind of most always the first european merchant to reach the coast of senate gambia. sailing thus we reached the mouth of another large river which appeared to be no small matter in the senate gallery of our. only solace fine river and the beautiful country we cossacks and debated whether we should send a show on a fine top which is to reach of a ship's an eagle on top which is on board brought from portugal you have been sold
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by the knowledge of sin to go on to the first portuguese to discover this land of the blacks. he was instructed to ascertain the conditions of the country to him it was subject and where the gold and other objects of use to us were to be obtained. accordingly when he. and landed on the boat when drawn a short distance he suddenly counted a great number of neat. what he said to them we did not know but they began furiously to strike at him with a short morris laws and quickly put him to task. they were left stupefied realizing that they must be very cruel on this account we set saile still holding our southerly course within sight of the shore. so somber the last so said the african. it is.
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rick perry promising does indeed elements on captivity. affleck and dispose eat do little things while i.v. in the capacity. it miggles you discard to live tell them would beat up all of it live. in would read the. economic don't do not want to give out help i take. fourteen seventy one. the portuguese took possession of an island off the african coast uninhabited virgin and fertile soil ptomaine was a perfect anchorage a safe harbor at one hundred fifty nautical miles from the coast this lookout post enabled them to keep the region's most powerful state in sight the kingdom of congo
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for. the islands off the coast of atlantic africa will be a very important and points of support for navigation mainly ports a whole the alums also have that advantage the advantage of being able to settle without entering into many of these beauts with africans. attendees at sea from south told me was the kingdom of congo a territory twice as large as portugal it was a powerful enormous country with whom the muslims had not been in contact. and in the. congo is an interesting case of african history very different from everywhere
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else when the portuguese got there they discovered that there was a king there was a what they called a kingdom and not only that it was an area where there was no islamic influence at all portuguese entered into relations with the the king of kong on virtually an equal basis and since there were muslims there was not they weren't was no hostility on the basis of religion. and then for reasons i don't think we fully understand they the the king of kong of congo decided that he was going to convert to christianity. became all forms of the first and he welcomed the missionaries from portugal. the portuguese were the only ones to propose products from the mediterranean to king alfonso the first. the
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first time it established a monopoly on an african territory. leap up to get even a dozen society yosh easy. no blip or fail. a preschool is ought to be a year they can illegal asking a pass it is all to of course some of these all the people do use it it don't go levity of up to game of it troops issues a new vent a comedy a bit. more fun let's look i see it you can go and se the truth it don't go now the stock market limb ass some thought i just tossed for me is it was for me if it the. the drawings of the first missionaries who arrived in congo bear witness to this new bartering system. but gold fever encouraged the portuguese to continue their conquest they learned that the icons gold mines were in elmina for them the only way to get their hands
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on the precious or was to offer the arkan's what they needed most slaves to descend into the mines they just became the kingdom slave traders. good production which had been going on in west africa for centuries including guinea mali in a process of senegal but i just had moved more into a kind of gold fields in gaza and that i've talked about because gold you know. was born out and. it was a measure a wild elmina means the mine and they were after the gold of the what they call the gold coast because a lot of gold does come from the interior right there. between south tommy the our khan mines in the congo kingdom the first triangular trading
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system in history was launched. european goods for slaves in congo slaves for gold in elmina. thanks to this bartering system the portuguese created an autonomous commercial zone. law even people to get the shows are taught that mullah done. for fair. connection would you take that. over the a good luck go to dubai you'll go. to me a lot in field or less you'll get that i thought. it was i mean he could. be not imo. it is here at the foot of this portuguese cross marking the end excision of a territory that a new chapter in the history of slavery would begin.
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this here in south told me that the portuguese would create the first platform for the mass deportation of captives. and it is here that the portuguese would also evolve from a simple slave trade to the invention of an extremely profitable production system . the sugar plantation. the rule. southbound the economic heartbeat of a thriving brazil but boom times mean rising rents and the lack of public housing isabella is just one of thousands looking for a place to call home with no choice but to occupy one of the city's many vacant buildings facing an uncertain future. he'll find a latin america occupying brazil on al-jazeera. the nature news as it breaks the syrian government with the backing of iran and russia now
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controls sixty percent of syria after steadily recapturing territory with detailed coverage what was supposed to be a summit between the two most powerful leaders in the world is taking things to a new level from around the world the backdrop of course all of this is a gigantic power vacuum in northern irish politics with no functioning local government for eighteen months. it takes discipline and camaraderie. this is not a game or is it. what is a healthy balance between work and play when playing is a job and fortune to be made. the story of the highs and lows of young. fast paced world of the pro game. state of play a witness documentary called i'll just leave.
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it on the clock another with the top stories here on al-jazeera and first up i sold says it was behind a series of attacks on police in the russian region of chechnya five of the attackers have been killed they were aged between eleven and sixteen policemen in the parental capital of grozny open fire on a car that tried to run over two offices police bases and two other cities were also a time or challenges more now. the attacks three of them happens over the course of a short span of time one of them was attempted stabbing on police officers the second was an attempted suicide bombing which failed the attack didn't kill himself nor anyone else and the third was a kind of hit and run in
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a car no police officers died in these attacks no civilians died in these attacks in the aftermath all but one of the attackers was killed by the security services so you could say that this was not particularly sophisticated in its execution and not particularly successful either venezuela has cut five zero its currency in a bid to tackle soaring inflation president nicolas maduro is also implementing a three thousand percent hike in the minimum wage and a rise in the price of fuel the international monetary fund is estimated that inflation in venezuela will hit one million percent by the end of the if it is made of food and goods and affordable for many ugandan police have been rounding up protesters in the capital kampala using live gun fun to do demonstrations opposition supporters have been protesting against president u.s. the most of any people are angry at the arrest and alleged torture of several
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opposition politicians including the well named musician. who goes by the stage name but we want. hundreds of people separated by the korean war in the one nine hundred fifty s. have been reunited with their relatives some for the first time in more than sixty years the families went to embrace that reunion in a north korean resort town the leaders of north and south korea agreed to restart the event during the historic summit in april it was suspended three years ago due to tensions of opinions nuclear weapons or. all right so those are top stories stay with us here on out is there as slavery roots continues right now. this is the story of a world whose territories and borders were drawn by the slave trade a world birth violence subjugation and profit imposed the roots. this criminal system shaped our history and founded the world's greatest empires as
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a people but the. eighteen the fos the most peace this is opiate. and i thought also being released that the project should. say that. with thousands of captives disembarking on its beaches sound homemade became an island exclusively dedicated to sugar production. lead this cash formerly
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all new in brought us here. all now to this is. borne out. on his bus. it don't pull up. and walk in couldn't so he discovers his to the no national tree with somebody to do madela he says global insult to me time seems to stand still sugar cane was replaced by coffee. then coffee by cocoa. when they landed on the island the first captives brought with them the knowledge of working the soil in the tropics. despite the skill such a remains today one of the poorest countries in the world.
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and farm workers continue to live in the slaves old huts. when portuguese navigators arrived in south ptomaine in the fifteenth century many observed with curiosity the practices that were developing on this island at the end of the world . only two thirds of the island have been cleared of trees so far and devoted to the cultivation of sugar. when a number of much ns that lead the fact of the king is empowered to let them buy land cheaply as much of it as he things they will be able to cultivate these people by a number of negroes and negresses and set them to work on plantations. a master does not give his legs and if he. know does he trouble himself to get them clothes or food or provide them with shelter for they attend to all these things and. you don't really need
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a survival population for growth sugar. but to grow it on the scale they were doing you know you did what you needed slaves because what you did during the harvest period was you made him work fourteen hours a day or you know right into the night one or any night there were there was a moon you know that you just kept cutting all night long again with fatigue the risk of injury increases so it was very risky. it was extremely hard work. something may use a lab in various ways it is the first big spend meant with sugar cane and tropics and that's what the law was later on the transfer of the sugarcane production into brasil and later into the caribbean. after christopher columbus his journey to america pedro coverall hired by the king of portugal open
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a new sea route to the west the portuguese were still obsessed with the search for gold but now they knew that if they failed sugarcane could eventually replace this precious metal on april twenty third fifteen hundred his ship docked in unknown territory. after our departure from bellamy as your majesty knows we reached the canary islands and then the cape verde we followed a sail heading west across the sea. that same day at the out of vespers we sighted land that is to say first a very ran at mountain and other lower ranges of hills to the south of it on a plane covered with large trees. just reach brazil on the american coast no gold deposits could be found to be profitable this immense land would have to be cultivated to the slave trade
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between europe and africa a new trade route to brazil would soon be added yes on to many of the. guys. who record. i am afraid your i mean yes but the missiles all says that evoke a muscle that i mean nobody's even though is it did you vote it until it made the descent a mere volume or no different do this clever bit of the. fifteen sixteen. from sao tome a continuance of captive started being shipped to brazil in the caribbean. between the kingdom of congo south ptomaine brazil and portugal the first roots of the transatlantic slave trade were stablished. in europe hundreds of captives arrived each year by portuguese ships.
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in lisbon black and white aristocracies lived on an equal footing they shared the same language the same interest all grew rich from both the slave and sugar trades . in economic social police and it became optional this is what it was he would associate african it on base to have up some of that could ogle a couple today said. it when the noble today or what was off opata again let's see if l. does it to the queen pagani of the trees when i come one day is it a dividend is it put a piece. on the african toast the riches the portugal devoured seem inexhaustible. in the bedlam district the building of the here or nimitz monastery was financed by the slave sugar and spice trade.
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the splendor of its architecture reminds us of the era when lisbon dominated the world and flooded other european capitals with its goods. letterheads a nigga you may die from bali to tread anything else that was and couldn't walk if you could discover africa not that they could any it possible source for the whole of news. to get. this it had to be to you as well not only touch so closely sort of a little man. no busk little fuzzy. with the arrival of europeans in africa the history of slavery entered a whole new dimension. for the first time the trade focused exclusively on equitorial africa. and with considerable means the number of deportations reached unparalleled levels. in lisbon the history of african slaves who
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arrived in europe sank into oblivion. traces of their presence were destroyed during the seven hundred fifty five earthquake. pieces of its memory were scattered when the city was rebuilt. in this hunting lodge a few miles from the capital. a painting by a famous artist the king's fountain the pixel has been in fifteen eighty. portrays a neighborhood that no longer exists where blacks and whites dance together. here a black man and shoes and braces a white woman with bare feet. musicians play for a couple of lovers. a knight of the order of christ. in chains or in ceremonial dress africans offer their wealth to europe smallest kingdom. they're oppressed image of an era when the marriage of africa and portugal made lisbon the most important economic capital of europe. in his
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team who dies and he meets us all you did yet people still ended up with just one that is buggy because someone else somebody dissolute city said the put him in she took a bus load. i got. today in southern europe in portugal italy spain or even provide an estimated fifty to sixty percent of the population could have african ancestry. into the not external to the full lot of those internal to the by datums into law i'm sorry not to films and see of course now the good of illicit involvement and. seen a case for law like a good leadership shift the place was slow version and we think of what is the coup sort of a new day in walk not at all yet they don't use what i. know he did did without.
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the ball now he's on the spot and says he said she said what did i did you get that under the new year zero does indeed mean you something to me dummy defense despite what he said a class is all he had last met her she never told the new story. the daughter of a of an also. that. often yanis easy to tell they're always talking. about metal novel. merchants want to round up these slaves in the border regions of the congo came down everywhere braids multiplied. and wander became one of the crossroads of
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transatlantic trade in congo the relationship of equality between africans and portuguese collapsed. so on became from then on from fifty nine is on became the most important. single port and single place in africa from where africans left for the americas twenty three percent something like that out of all africans a lot from the wound up going heavily to brazil which of course is the biggest area where africans go in the americas by far almost half of all africans end up in brazil and lawanda was the. was really an outpost of brazil many ways indeed the media can muscle development toward real whole vangelis got the whole scene of the quilt tossed so that that to describe some you don't know anybody else could you touch on a clear moment not look it was a crisp picture that. only she would disappoint on media.
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account but her look this club you know you can pretty let them in additional public piss down that. no truth on the piss but if you know his clubs and if you know his club incidents that you know that's at the nash. get close your time and i'll do what i need to produce your this glove see. all of us are good. let their year just see is it that they're left on about could be your you'll know congo it is pretty easy to. read your you can go. up of them about live to comment so this club no good info korea said to see us and i said on this or is this on is not listed here gif or mot li ke no peace or lives not a good nice mikey perv bit metric good they draw don't do is that usually but duty to ya the suit hoover basically done it is order is clever. in sao tome ing
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empires jewel the sugar edifice began to crack. gallon was impossible to control in the heart of the forest groups a fugitive slave set up more combos places of sanctuary where they organize themselves into armed communities. gonzalo while barriers and driving over areas common justice in this island of santorini and so forth make known to your excellency's how it is true and well known that i'm a camera with a large population exists in the forest. they do want damage they can killing and robbing men and destroy plantations all of which brings loss and damage to the people of this island and it's at this a disservice to the king of our lord a much loss to his treasury and his revenues. have we have armed men ready to go against the said escape blacks and the forty five macomber but we do not have any
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money to give them every day the forest is filling up with escape blacks are all terrified waiting for the day when the said macam when its people will do some evil which is contrary to the will of god. the distance between lisbon sarto may hinder the portuguese crown the people of congo did not want to intervene in the islands affairs. the portuguese lacked our men on site to defend their interests so to solve the problem they decided to manufacture them. to live in times as the. thought it could be assaultive more lot school and also much kill the ass zizou you want to be as with too you spoke little cool zada in. corners need this season is better food model hope will sell the set up was. proper stage for two years they have got
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some opal sell in macau the people the possessor the fires but enclosed. the gangsters meat i have a lot of food to eat as a yes small feel fearful lot of. groups will see all capacity india will seem to be a sis. for two years she is on to me when we close. to that nor could i would it be so she would have your loss so you could question also is all when it is we should have your illness we sure do hope all the darkness you want to make place club. crossing white men with black women. insult to maim the portuguese mulattoes were a separate group called the sons of the land by defending the crowns interest these sons of the land became leading agents of the slave system.
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feel that their lives are far to be. the positional dollar be. just about do surgeries or dishwasher. yes. or no invisibility like memphis said did you get. mississauga most of his off duty with the explosion of demand these new trade elites started kidnapping citizens of the kingdom of congo despite the religious diplomatic and cultural links between portugal and the king of congo the sons of the land greed devastated everything. in a letter to the king of portugal king alfonso the first informed him of his dismay . sire your highness should know how our kingdom is being lost. the margins are allowed to by your offices to com to this kingdom to set up shops with goods which have been
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prohibited by us. the mansion much inside taking every day our native sons of the land on the sons of our no woman and vassals in operatives. they grab them and sell them so great sighs the corruption i licentiousness that our country has been completely to populate that is why we beg your highness to help and i sisters in this matter it is our will that in these conditions they should not be any trade as slaves nor outlet for them. plus the book who presented the jacques only the last one of his aunts relates to the what they could. of the alone off. a super g. you could use. to god and of sheer now the only zero zero on met the
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god the osu also have a new duty for to god mcclave good. or bad those souls on. every year center man's reenact this first marriage between africa and europe. and to exercise its violence incarnate all the roles and where all the costumes. but then some which victims and persecutors live side by side the sons of a same family. this procession is cultural only which supposedly comes from the word tragedy. as tough as a minute this is it the best of all. monkley don't you do you quoted soup. is a vineyard love feast on delmarva good name for the sun to make one. gigs go quote
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psycho could be sold glommed luggage it's also going to court an appeal process. can kill it laser n.t.o. calling a nail gets into minutemen less than it was implement a souvenir dance of in egypt roughly. it would. all come.
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in fifteen ninety five south tommy flared up. commodore a captive born on the island took the lead of a slave uprising. the sons of the land could not contain it. the central man experience had just revealed its limits but that did not matter the union between african slaves and sugarcane had been consecrated. from then on the portuguese knew that they could export their invention everywhere one by one they disassemble the males the ovens and the sugar factories and rebuild them in brazil . the key which changes the direction of the slave trade is the transfer of sugar as you mentioned earlier from one side of the atlantic to the other. and that then makes the hop to the part of the americas closest to europe which is carbon. a year after the
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riots i'm a dark the leader of the rebellion was executed in public. the result of a large scale experiment between portugal and africa south pole may despite the violence in which it was born has shaped its own history a history founded on the heroic struggle of the first slaves. i knew that god might do if. justice is. not it got him i see it as a special my faith it was. one son with a my do a much my bill looked at my feet. bare back to. yes i still want.
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to ensure the survival of their economic model the portuguese took their slaves and there are other cultural knowledge with them to brazil. by demonstrating that the model could be exported to america incited all of europe to do the same. in sixteen twenty the portuguese with the uncontested masters of the slave trade. twenty five years after the revolt headed by amador they'd already deported three hundred thousand captives to brazil and central america. soon it would be the other european powers turn to go conquer the new world with them the slave trade tentacles spread all across the atlantic and reached a new territory the caribbean. slave
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system created the greatest accumulation of. the world had ever seen up to that moment. there's no way to separate vaca kind of terror from the labor on the plantation from the profits that may be produced. so that there's. nothing intrinsically linked to the slave trade where europe so i'm consistent and insurance companies there's no way to separate and back and of terror from the labor on the plantation from the profits that that move to produced. ass in europe
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industrialized slavery and amassed it's great wealth resistance began to take full . from sugar to rebellion episode to have slavery when it's on al-jazeera. full of struggles that i'm a nobody that of christendom which i'm paul simon watt and everybody oh dear prudie out there are so full of pleasure anyway i lead a whole group an intimate look at life in cuba today getting out the door to check on a carry on i think that the effects are like this on my cuba on al-jazeera.
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hello again it's good to have you back we're here across parts of victoria as well as new south wales we did see some snow in the higher elevations this weekend that was all due to this weather system that's now moving across the tasman sea so the ski areas are getting some good relief out of that as well as down here towards tasmania over the next few days though we are looking at some better weather conditions as a system begins to pull away maybe some clouds and rain here across tasmania maybe for melbourne as well but as we go towards wednesday we are going to be seeing really high pressure dominating that's going to bring those temperatures up as well with melbourne seeing the temps are there of about fifteen degrees make your way over here towards parts of new zealand well that is where that system is going you can see all the clouds right there from auckland all the way down here towards christ church we'll be seeing that really remaining in the forecast over the next few days with auckland seeing attempted there about fourteen degrees really not
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changing too much as we go towards wednesday in christ church you will also be seeing a temperature of about fourteen degrees as well then very quickly appear towards northern parts of asia we are watching another typhoon making its way towards parts of japan over the next couple of days this is typhoon soulik it is expected to bring some very heavy rain showers and flooding rains across much of the rico islands as well as into the korean peninsula so we'll be watching this very carefully over the next few days. pakistan did not have the ability to take on every network no one is also going to get to fight all of them big enough to sponsor and phone them as well in search of the missing pieces in every important meetings for the moment he said i like doing all right to the pakistani when you go the news of bin laden was killed were you surprised or was your reaction oh they found him the place we continue we will but we don't want anyone to know mehdi hasan goes head to head with the film a pakistani foreign minister on al-jazeera.
12:00 am
this is al-jazeera. this is a news live from london coming up in the program. to eleven to sixteen make a series of coordinated strikes against prince in chechnya several offices are wounded. with shame and repentance the pope begs forgiveness for the pain suffered by buse victims the hands of priests. a new currency in five zero slashed from prices the controversial.


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